Welcome to the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South!
We are a vibrant and active club that welcomes both the young and the young at heart. Our club holds lunch meetings on the first and fourth (sometimes fifth) Tuesday of the month, socials on the second week (with varying day and time depending on the activity), and board meetings on the third week of the month. Our meetings take place at the St. Catharines Club, conveniently located at 77 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, ON, in the heart of the revitalized downtown core. This venue allows us to gather, listen to engaging speakers, plan service opportunities, and enjoy each other's company. It's also an excellent opportunity for you to explore our club and discuss the possibility of becoming a member of the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South!
To learn more or express your interest in membership, please reach out to our Membership Committee at membership@rotarysouth.ca.
Beyond our weekly meetings, we engage in a variety of activities. We organize socials at different venues around the Niagara Region, participate in fundraising events, and provide service opportunities.
Rotary International is the largest international service organization worldwide. With over 1.4 million service-minded men and women across more than 46,000 Rotary Clubs in over 200 countries, Rotary members make a significant impact. Rotarians plan and carry out a wide range of humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs, positively influencing lives in local communities and our global community.
At the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South, our mission is to encourage and foster international understanding and goodwill while promoting peace through a world fellowship of business and professional individuals united in the ideal of service.
Our club actively supports various projects locally and internationally. Some of the projects we have been involved in include:
International projects:
- Polio Plus Campaign: Learn more at https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/ending-polio
- Trust For Malnutrition and Stunted Growth: Visit http://tfmasg.com
- Trees that Feed
- AMD for Hope - Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid - https://amdforhope.com/
- Quebec Ice Storm Relief Fund
- Pakistan Relief Fund
- Wells of Hope
- Student Exchange
- Group Exchange
Local projects:
- Project Share
- Hospice Niagara
- Pathstone Mental Health
- Salvation Army
- Out of the Cold
- Socks for Change
This year, our club has provided financial support to various initiatives, including:
- Food4Kids Niagara
- Toolbox Niagara
- Solar Water Filtration Plant
- Buddy Bench Project
- Rotary TV Auction
- The Clarice West-Hobbs Contemplative Garden (in conjunction with The Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore)
- Rotary Peace Fellowship
- Red Cross Blood Donation Clinic
- Christmas Dinners for the homeless
- Community Care
- St. George's Breakfast Program
- Start Me Up Niagara
By being a part of the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South, you can join us in making a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities, locally and globally. Together, we can create a better world through service.
Engage Rotary. Change Lives.
St. Catharines, ON L2T 1K1