Let's get those donations coming in. Time is running out. October 14 is the deadline, sort of.
Hello fellow Rotarians and Honourary Members. Donations to this year's Mega Rotary TV Auction are slowly rolling in. So far, I have sunglasses from Progressive Optical; Adam Shoals books from Dr. Fritz; Wine from Lawyer Chris Young; Gift Certificates from Princess Auto and Wine Garden of Pelham; Farmhouse Beer with corks in the bottles from Oast House Brewing; 3 planters from Hendriks Greenhouses; 3 pairs of memberships for new members to the Niagara Freewheelers Bicycle Club; and commitments from a number of others. See photo attached.
So how are you doing with your donations? I have heard good things from a couple of members,. but many have not updated me on what they have or what they expect to get. I'm away as of Wednesday this week, returning Oct. 3, so hopefully I'll get home to a room full of donations dropped off in my absence, with the paper work all filled in. Wife Cathy will be here so do drop off your donations. I will be monitoring my emails while away. Check your emails sent Sept. 4 for attachments with the forms (also sent in earlier emails)
Your in Rotary, Dan