The Rotary Club of St. Catharines South is supporting the Rotary Club of St. Catharines  Lakeshore for a blood donation event on March 27th at the Niagara Falls Optimist Club.

Various members of the Rotary Club of St. Catharines South has been actively participating in blood donation events organized by Beth Fleeton from the Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore, and we are pleased to share the latest update on our efforts.

Our next group blood donation event is scheduled for March 27th at the Niagara Falls Optimist Club. We still have 8 spots left for the clinic, so if you were not able to join us in the last 3 months for women or 2 months for men, please let us know by end of day Friday, Feb. 24th.

We are grateful to Beth for her dedication in organizing these blood drives and appreciate her efforts in ensuring a consistent supply of blood for those in need. If you have registered for the clinic but are unable to join us, please let Beth know as soon as possible.

As the St. Catharines clinic is now closed, Beth is working hard to coordinate donations in other venues. In addition to whole blood donations, she is planning to bring us together to donate at the Plasma Clinic in St. Catharines starting in May. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Beth and the Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore to make a positive impact in our community.

Thank you again for your support, and we hope to see you at the clinic on March 27th!
