Read the minutes from our last Club Meeting, featuring guest speaker Rob Nicholson.
Minutes prepared by Cathy Henry.


President Julio started the meeting 12:15PM 

Oh Canada - Dan Toppari

Invocation - Juan Burry 

Toast - Hon. Rob Nicholson

4 Way Test - Matt Taylor



Henry Becker - Rotary Club of St. Catharines 



Hon. Rob Nicholson - Guest Speaker

Jordan Hoadley - Guest of Joey Trussell

James Balasiak - Guest of Joey Trussell 



President’s Announcements 

  • Julio thanked everyone for the success of our corn booth at Ribfest.
  • New location for meetings status - still in talks with other city clubs about proceeding to the new location of the Welland Canal Lock Three.
  • RLI-  through Zoom for anyone- link will be on South Mouth
  • The Board Meeting time will be moved to Noon on Thursday instead of an evening meeting.



Cathy Henry - International Committee

  • 140 breadfruit trees have arrived in Abaco

Dan Toppari - TV AUCTION

  • Please have donations by Sept 7th if possible as Dan will be away 
  • Dan and Jonas belong to the BREW (Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide). The local chapter will meet at Oast House
    NOTL- August 25 at 5 PM.
  • Sept 19th - Annual golf tournament- Niagara Falls Noon club
  • Sept 21st - Welland Club - Bocci tournament - Wednesday, September 21


George - happy to be here
Mike G - Happy to be here
Juan -happy to be here and have the money for the Happy Dollars
Joey- happy to help with New Hope church camp
Jordan - happy to be here - just graduated from High School
James- happy to be here
Rob- happy that the clubs were getting back to normal
Dan- - happy to be here and have Rob as his guest, he also gave $10 as he won't be here for his birthday on Aug 27th
Matt-going to see brother and sister in BC
Jeff- happy to be at bingo with Mike G
Ed- happy games are over- Game photography 318 pictures accepted
Henry—Trees in Jamaica -pleased they are doing well and happy to be


Dan Toppari introduced our guest speaker the Hon. Rob Nicholson

Rob was born and bred in Niagara Falls Ontario, and was Member of Parliament for many years. In 1984, at the age of 32 he began his first chapter as MP with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and that lasted until the election in 1993, when the Progressive Conservatives didn't do so well. At that point he returned to practicing law from his office on Queen St. in Niagara Falls, and once again had the time to actually enjoy life with his friends, like me. During those years he continued with his commitment to Niagara by being elected as a School Board Trustee and member of Regional Council. Then he won the federal election in 2004, and kept on winning until he retired in 2019. Most of those years were with Prime Minister Steven Harper. During his 24 years as MP, Rob held a number of important positions. Minister responsible for Democratic Reform and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons 2006-7; Minister of Justice and Attorney General 2007-13; Minister of National Defence 2013-15; Minister of Foreign Affairs 2015; and Shadow MInister of Justice and Shadow Attorney General 2015-19. Rob is married to his wonderful wife Arlene, and they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. He is the Chair of the Niagara Escarpment Commission and on the board of Niagara College. Rob's definition of retirement is different than my own.

A good friend of mine and many others, the Honourable Robert Nicholson, PC, QC.

Guest Speaker-Hon Rob Nicholson

Thanked Rotary or having him and for Rotary and their community
involvement. He spoke about 60th anniversary of political involvement starting in school and his positive view of Canada globally- appreciation of Canadian support
Ukrainian Support

Terry Fox run- Dubai 20,000 participants
24 years of service
Above: Letter Rob got from John Diefenbaker that motivated him to join politics.
Above: Photo of Rob and Dan with a youth baseball team that they coached.
Thanking the Guest Speaker

Julio thanked Rob for his insight into the reverence that Canada is held
in globally and agreed that he himself felt very fortunate to be living in
As there was no other Rotary Business, meeting was concluded at 1:20pm and some of the members present stayed for social time. 